Configuring Uncsa Cloud Based Email

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As recently as five years ago, setting up a new business and equipping it for a PC-literate workforce was a costly affair. You needed to acquire server hardware and pay various software licensing fees. The availability of mature, cloud-based services means that the situation is radically different today. Businesses can access the capabilities they require with little capital outlay. With this in mind, here are six important 'digital' steps that a modern business needs to take. Secure the Necessary Domains The first step for any new business today is establishing an online presence by registering a domain name bearing either its name or its brand.

This is a relatively simple step that can be done with any ICANN-accredited domain registrar. As it is, the hardest bit is figuring out an appropriate domain name that best represents your business but has yet to be acquired by someone else. Beware the and see why these. Tips: As a rule, the domain name should be registered in the name of the business owner or a trusted associate.

Be wary of tricks by unscrupulous vendors that bundle the domain name together with a confusing array of hosting plans or IT services and register the new domain name under their organization. To avoid paying an exorbitant 'service fee' to regain control of your domain, it may be a good idea to register directly with well-recognized registrars such as,. A relatively recent trend is purchasing a second domain to serve as a URL shortener on social media networks.

For example, the New York Times uses, while the Huffington Post uses There's no difference in registering a domain name to use as a URL shortener, though some country-level domains may have special restrictions, as well as a higher price.

You just need to set the domain with a cloud-based service that can host the shortened URL for you. On this front, stands out as an attractive choice as it offers the service free when used with a single domain. Promote Your Organization on Social Media The prominence of social media makes it a reality that no new business can afford to ignore. Since registering a user account on most social media networks is free and on a first-come, first-served basis, the savvy small business owner will register an account on the most prominent networks first, even if he or she has no intention of engaging there just yet. While the popularity of different social networks differs from region to region, it's safe to say that Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr rank highly in most places.

Note: If you want to only install specific Office apps and not the entire suite, click the Customize button and uncheck the programs you don't want. (This is the password that you use to log in to your Mac.) • The software begins to install. • Enter your Mac login password, if prompted, and then click Install Software. Help on where can i get microsoft office for mac. • Review the disk space requirements or change your install location, and then click Install.

When you decide to move ahead on the social media front, services such as and can help you efficiently manage your various accounts. Enable Email Service In terms of functionality, a new business looking to set up email today only has two primary contenders to mull over: The popular Google Gmail or a service based on Microsoft's Exchange Server technology. Though Exchange Server can be deployed either on-premises or in the cloud, we're only interested in the latter here, also known as Exchange Online. How-to: There are many similarities between Gmail and Exchange Online. Both are supported by all the mobile platforms that matter, both can be accessed using a Web browser, and both have a long track record of excellent uptime. The strength of Exchange lies in its full support for the Outlook client app on the desktop, which is still considered by many business users to offer superior productivity thanks to its built-in support for calendaring, contacts, tasks and notes.


Moreover, multiple Exchange accounts can be managed to the same Outlook client. For its part, Gmail offers a highly optimized inbox that loads lightning fast in a Web browser. Searches are extremely fast on Gmail, which also sports a highly regarded spam filter. Signing up for Gmail with your own domain is a straightforward process that can be done by opting for Google Apps for Business at $5 per user per month. For Exchange Online, either sign up for one of the or opt for a third-party hosted Exchange vendor such as.

For businesses where email is a crucial resource, it may be worthwhile to configure your secondary MX record to point to a backup provider. This will ensure that emails don't bounce even if the primary server suffers an outage. A backup mail server is typically set to channel these emails back to the primary service provider when it recovers.

Note that maintaining the integrity of one's MX records is absolutely vital, as it can be abused by hackers to surreptitiously siphon off email messages. This, in turn, can be used to infiltrate key systems via unauthorized password resets. Set Up the Small Business Website Businesses that seek only to deploy a simple Web front have a wealth of basic hosting services from which to choose. The most popular Web server is Apache, with PHP set up as the supported scripting language. Make sure it supports a database server, usually MySQL, as this will be required for a non-static website or for setting up a blog. Businesses that expect a higher volume of visitors can turn to a content distribution network (CDN).

Is a popular choice, as it offers a free tier that promises basic website speed and performance, along with some protection from hackers. It's increasingly common for businesses to establish a blog to keep customers updated on new developments or promotions. Fortunately, the rise of blogging platforms means it's easy to establish a blog these days. The best known would undoubtedly be, though a variety of other platforms, including, and, are also popular. More: One important consideration, in terms of both know-how and time, is the capability of a small business to configure and patch its own website against newly discovered vulnerabilities. As such, it may make sense to consider commercial full-service offerings, such as, which include hosting, bandwidth and maintenance. Flip the Switch on Cloud Storage, Privacy In an age of state-sanctioned snooping, you can never be too careful about storing confidential business documents in the cloud.

After all, it would be foolish to assume that the NSA is the only organization out there with the technical know-how for online spying. Unfortunately, the allure of BYOD leaves most users oblivious to the risks of storing sensitive data online.

For businesses that care, one service to consider is, a cloud storage provider that stores only encrypted data. Because SpiderOak doesn't know the private encryption key used to encrypt the data, it has no ability to access to the data stored on its storage facilities.

Other services such as also offer the capability to encrypt data with a locally stored encryption key, though as a selectable option. Be wary of storage providers that claim to encrypt all data but offer the capability to edit or view the same documents through a Web browser. This implies that both encryption and decryption key is held by the vendor – which in turn implies that your data could be wide open should a hacker succeed in compromising their systems. For secure data, the storage vendor shouldn't be able to access your data in unencrypted form. More: Finally, for all this talk of cloud-only services, it makes sense to always have at least one copy of the data archived offline.

This is a necessary hedge against situations such as acts of sabotage or corruption, or against a particularly malicious hacker deleting everything from your online storage cloud. Start Taking Care of Business The above tips address only some of the basic aspects of setting up an online presence for your business. A fully functioning organization will need a raft of other services. Here's a short list of online services that may prove handy:.

Configuring Uncsa Cloud Based Email

Online email marketing to send emails and track results. Web-based faxing to send and receive fax messages (or ). Private instant messaging network ( or ). Note-taking that's accessible from mobile devices ( or ). Online time tracking that's accessible from multiple devices. DNS services ( or ).

Online collaboration. Online password storage (or ) With so many compelling Web services available, it's hard to see a real reason for today's small businesses to purchase physical hardware.

How to use QuickBooks Email to send Invoices, Reports and Bills. This tutorial will teach you how to configure QuickBooks email to send email using the settings available from your email provider. Before beginning the step below, be sure that you have the following information available: 1.) Your email address 2.) Your email password 3.) The name of your email provider 4.) The name of your email server (available from your email provider) 5.) The outbound email port (available from your email provider) Step One: Open QuickBooks and click on “Edit.” Step Two: Select “Preferences.” Step Three: Click on “Send Forms” and then click “Add”. This is where you will configure QuickBooks Email.

Step Four: Select the box next to “Email ID” and then enter your email address. Step Five: Select the box next to “Email Provider” and choose your provider from the list.

Step Six: If necessary, select the box next to “server name” and enter your email server name, available from your email provider. Step Seven: If necessary, select the box next to “Port” and enter the port number, available from your email provider. Step Eight: Click “OK” in each of the subsequent windows (up to 3 times). Your QuickBooks company file is now configured to send emails! Now let’s run a test.

Testing Your Email Settings in QuickBooks After configuring your QuickBooks company file to send emails, we advise you to follow these next steps to test your new configuration. Step One: Click on “Reports” Step Two: Click on “Report Center.” Step Three: Click on “Run” for any of the reports shown. Step Four: In the report window that opens, click on the down arrow next to “E-mail” and then click on “Send report as PDF.” Step Five: Select the box next to “To” and enter your email address, then click “Send.” Step Six: Enter your email password in the window that pops up and click “OK.” Step Seven: If successful, a window will open indicating success. Check your email for receipt of the message.

If it was not received, go back to the beginning of this tutorial and check your settings for accuracy. Post navigation.