Washington Dc Homes For Sale Greenock Estate Wines Angas King

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  1. Washington Dc Homes For Sale Greenock Estate Wines Angas Kingston

Full text of ' GREENOCK PUBLIC LIBRARIES REFERENCE DEPARTMENT Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from National Library of Scotland E^TAB INSURANCE COMPANY, Incorporated by Royal Charter, and Acts of Parliament. Total Funds exceed -£13,550,000 Total Income for 1897, -2,927,988 THE Funds of the Life Department are not liable for Obligations urfder the Fire Department, nor are the Funds of the Fire Department liable for Obligations under the Life Department. Glasgow Branch Office— 102 St. Vincent Street. LOCAL BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Sir Charles Tennant, Bart., of The Glen, Chairman.

Gourlay, Esq., Manager Bank I A. Crum Maclae, Esq., of Cathkin. Binnie, Esq., Merchant, Greenock G. Snodgrass, Esq., J.P. J.

DalrympleHav, Esq., ofDunlop. Pearce Campbell, Esq. (of Messrs J. Campbell & Co.) John J. (of Messrs A. Graham.) Local Manager— D. Local Secretary— John T.

LIFE DEPARTMENT. Nine-Tenths of the Whole Profits of the Life Assurance Branch are allocated to Participating Policies. IMPORTANT FEATURES. All Bonuses now vest on Declaration. The period during which a lapsed policy may be revived is extended to one year, and the fine payable on revival is much reduced.

The Surrender Value of a lapsed policy is now held at the credit of the assured during the extended period of ten years; and during that period the option is allowed of takings paid-up policy calculated on very favourable terms. Claims paid immediately on Proof of Death and Title.

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Premiums adjusted to each Half-year of Age. Minimum Surrender Values fixed. Policy not forfeited by error in Proposal Papers, unless accompanied by fraud.

General freedom of policies from restriction in Residence, Occupation, and Travel. Reduced Rates for India, China, and the East generally. Special Schemes for Life Assurance for Naval and Military Officers. Attractive System of Provident Assurances on Children. Reduced Terminable Premium Rates. New and Valuable Threefold Option Scheme.

ANNUITY BRANCH. ANNUITIES (Immediate, Contingent, or Deferred) are granted on favourable terms. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Property of nearly every description Insured at Home or Abroad at the Lowest Rates Of Premium corresponding to the risk.

Losses settled with Promptitude and Liberality PROSPECTUSES AND EVERY INFORMATION MAY BE HAD AT THE CHIEF OFFICES, BRANCHES, OR AGENCIES. Chief Offices — EDINBURGH— 64 Princes Street LONDON— 61 Threadneedle St, E.


(John Kerr & Co., Greenock). FORBES DALLAS, Esq. (Forbes Dallas & Co., S.S.C., Edinburgh) JOSEPH WATSON, Esq. (Brownlie, Watson & Beckett, Writers, Glasgow). Local Manager— ARCHIBALD BLAIR. Manager and Secretary of the Company — CHAS.

FINANCIAL POSITION, Capital (fully subscribed),£2,127,500 o o Of which there is paid up. 212,750 o o Reserve Funds (exclusive of Capital),.

973,245 o o FIRE INSURANCES granted upon almost every descrip- tion of property at home and abroad. SURVEYS made and Rates quoted without trouble or expense to Proposers. CLAIMS are met with Promptitude and Liberality. TRANSFER OF POLICIES.— No expense is incurred in the Transfer of Policies from other Offices to this Company. THE COMPANY DOES A FIRE BUSINESS ONLY, Having no Life Business, the Funds can only be used for Fire Losses.

NOT BEING A MUTUAL COMPANY, THE POLICY- HOLDERS INCUR NO LIABILITY. The Directors invite Applications for Agencies in Towns and Districts where the Company is not fully represented, and are also open to receive applications from those at present representing Life Companies only. THE ALLIANCE ASSURANCE COMPANY, BARTHOLOMEW LANE, LONDON.

(Established 1824.) FINANCIAL POSITION AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1897. CAPITAL £5,000,000 PAID-UP CAPITAL, 550,000 AGGREGATE FUNDS exceed. £4,447,000 DIRECTORS. The Right Hon. Lord Rothschild, Chairman.

Curtis Lampson, Bart. Francis Alfred Lucas, Esq. Lushington, Esq.

Henry Berkeley Portman. Hugh Colin Smith, Esq. Lord Stalbridge.

Anderson Stebbing. Rivers Wilson, G.C.M.G., C.B. James Alexander, Esq. Charles Edward Barnett, Esq. Lord Battersea. Kenelm Pleydell Bouverie.

Henry Burroughes, Esq. Francis William Buxton, Esq. Sir Arthur Ellis, K.C. V.O, James Fletcher, Esq. Richard Hoare, Esq. A uditors — Ian Murray Heathcoat-Amory, Esq., Victor C.

Cavendish, Esq., M.P., Hon. Lionel Walter Rothschild. Robert Lewis, Chief Secretary. Glasgow Office— i5i WEST GEORGE STREET. Leonard Gow, Esq., Shipowner. John Graham, Esq., CA. Thomas Russell, Esq., of Possilpark.

(Messrs Burns, Aiken &Co.) A. Drew, Esq., Creggandarroch, Blair- more. James Finlayson, Esq. (Messrs Finlay- son, Bousfield & Co.) Stewart Lawrie, Secretary.

Auditors for Branch— Grahams & Co., CA. FIRE and LIFE INSURANCES may be effected on the most favourable Terms, full particulars of whicb may be learned on application to the Local Agents, or to the Glasgow Office. DEA TH D UTIES.

— Special forms of Policies have been prepared to enable Property '-owners to provide for payment of ESTATE DUTY, and full particulars will be forzuarded on application. — Life Policies effected during the year, 1898, under Tables 1, 3, 4, and 5, of the Company's Prospectus, will (if in force on 31st December, 1898), share in the Quinquennial Profits to be declared early in 1899.

The Profits of a Mutual with the Security of a Proprietary Office. THE SCOTTISH LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY, LIMITED. Head Office — Edinburgh, 19 St. Andrew Square. Chairman -Sir ARTHUR MITCHELL, K.C.B., M.D. Manager— DAVID PAULIN, F.F.A., F.R.S.E.


The Bonus Additions declared under With Profit Policies have hitherto been at the rate of £2 per cent, for each year after the first that the Policies have been in force, while the reserves for future profits are made on a more stringent basis than those of the majority of the Scottish Offices. New Policies, with full participation, are entitled to an intermediate Bonus, at the rate of £1 5s per cent, for each year after the first com- pleted prior to next Division of Profits, thus securing the advantages of an Annual Division of Profits. ACCIDENT DEPARTMENT. Assurance against Accidents of all kinds on Improved Principles. New Scheme of Assurance against Accidents and Illness, including special benefits for Railway Accidents, Permanent Disablement Pension, and other advantages.

Glasgow Branch — Scottish Life Buildings, 68 St. Vincent Street. Resident Secretary— ROBERT BLACK. Hgents for ©vcenocfc— Messrs Leitch & Muir, 2 West Quay; James Nicoll, 2 Bank Street; John Low, 12 Forsyth Street; Duncan Macreadie, 3 Brymner Street; and R.

Blair, 27 Cathcart Street. 'WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT.' POLICIES are issued COVERING ALL LIABILITY at Non-TarifF Rates. THE GENERAL ACCIDENT ^^ ««. Capita, £2 5o,ooo. ASSURANCE CORPORATION, LTD., 42 to 44 Tay Street, PEETH, KB.

115 & 117 Cannon St., 28 Renfield Street, 20 Castle Street, LONDON, E.C. NORIE MILLER, Manager and Secretary. FIDELITY GUARANTEES FOR ALL POSITIONS OF TRUST. The BONDS of this Corporation are accepted by: — The various Departments of Her Majesty's Government. The Courts of Chancery in England. The various Courts in Scotland.

City Corporations and other Public Bodies. Personal Accident, Sickness, Vehicle Indemnity, Burglary, and Fire Insurance, ALSO TRANSACTED. PROSPECTUSES FREE ON APPLICATION. AGENTS WANTED-LIBERAL TERMS. Brass Window and Door Plate Makers and General Engravers.

Fl^Burn Marks. Steel Stamps, and Stencil Plate Cutters. Brass Door Plates.

And Key Labels for Shipbuilders. Steel Letters and Figures, Embossed Brass Tickets and Time Checks. Inscriptions on Silver and Cutlery. Arms, Crest, and Mono. Embossed Presses and Brass Stamps of all kinds for Companies, Notaries, Elections, &c.

All kinds of India Rubber and Brass Stamps made. M' LA REN 6. MEIKLE, 25 GORDON STREET, GLASGOW. IKHalkec'e HIGH-CLASS JBtecutte anb ©atcahes - 80LD EVERYWHERE. Jofyn Walkep Ltd., Rqyal Biscuit Fagtory. POST-OFFICE SreenocK ^Directory FOR 1898-99, ARRANGED AS GENERAL, COMMERCIAL, AND STREET, WITH AN APPENDIX, Containing, (poetd, £efegrap0, ano d&tntvat 3nformaftott, ACCOMPANIED WITH A PLAN OF THE TOWN PREPARED EXPRESSLY FOR THIS WORK, GENERAL DIRECTORY FOR GOUROCK.

FIFTY-FIRST ANNUAL PUBLICATION. Hutchison, Printer and Lithographer, 23 Nicolson Street. Price Three Shillings and Sixpence. CALENDAR, June, 1898. Sunday — 5 12 19 26 Sunday — 4 11 18 25 Monday- — 6 13 20 27 Monday — 5 12 19 26 Tuesday — 7 14 21 28 Tuesday — 6 13 20 27 Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 Wednesday — 7 14 21 28 Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 Friday 3 IO 17 24 — Friday 2 9 16 23 30 Saturday 4 ' 18 25 — Saturday 3 10 17 24 3i July. January, i 399. Sunday 3 10 17 24 3i Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 Monday 4 11 18 25 — Monday 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday 5 I 2 19 26 — Tuesday 3 10 i7 24 3i 'Wednesday 6 13 20 27 — Wednesday 4 11 18 25 Thursday 7 14 21 28 — Thursday 5 12 19 26 — Friday 1 8 15 22 29 — Friday 6 13 20 27 — Saturday 2 9 16 23 30 — Saturday 7 14 21 28 — August.

Sunday — 7 14 21 28.Sunday — 5 12 19 26 Monday 1 8 15 22 29 Monday — 6 13 20 27 Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 Tuesday - 7 14 21 28 Wednesday 3 10 17 24 3i Wednesday 1 8 15 22 — Thursday 4 11 18 25 — Thursday 2 9 16 23 — Friday 5 12 19 26 — Friday 3 i° 17 24 — Saturday 6 13 20 27 — Saturday 4 11 18 25 — S EPTEMBER. Sunday — 4 11 18 25 Sunday — 5 12 19 26 Monday — 5 12 19 26 Monday — 6 13 20 27 Tuesday — 6 13 20 27 Tuesday — 7 14 21 28 Wednesday - 7 14 21 28 Wednesday 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday 1 8 15 22 29 Thursday 2 9 16 23 30 Friday 2 9 16 23 30 Friday 3 10 17 24 3i Saturday ( 3 10 DCTOBER 17 24 — Saturday 4 11 April. 18 25 — Sunday 2 9 '16 23 30 Sunday 2 9 16 23 30 Monday 3 10 17 24 3i Monday 3 10 17 24 — Tuesday 4 11 18 25 Tuesday 4 11 18 25 — Wednesday 5 12 19 26 — Wednesday 5 12 19 26 — Thursday 6 13 20 27 — Thursday 6 13 20 27 — Friday 7 14 21 28 — Friday 7 14 21 28 — Saturday 1 8 15 22 29 — Saturday I 8 15 22 29 — November. Sunday — 6 13 20 27 Sunday — 7 14 21 28 Monday — 7 1.4 21 28 Monday 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesday 1 8 15 22 29 Tuesday 2 9 16 23 30 Wednesday 2 9 16 23 30 Wednesday 3 10 17 24 3i Thursday 3 10 17 24 — Thursday 4 11 18 25 Friday 4 11 18 25 — Friday 5 12 19 26 — Saturday 5 12 19 26 — Saturday 6 13 20 27 — PREFACE The Publishers of the Post-Office Greenock Directory desire to thank the Subscribers and the Public generally for the kind support accorded them in the past, and venture to assure them that the utmost care has been bestowed on the present issue to have it as accurate and complete as possible. The Publishers, however, do not hold themselves responsible for any error or omission. In the Appendix will be found, as formerly, useful details regarding Postal and Telegraph arrangements, also local and general information.

The Plan of the Town is by John Bartholomew & Co., Engravers, &c, Edinburgh, and having been care- fully corrected up to date, it may be accepted as thoroughly accurate. The Directory for Gourock is continued. Post-Office, Greenock, May, 1898. NOW I'VE j fi^ Thompson's GOT J? 3LC0Ri PIASTER THE ™ nKsBffilfcii POSITIVELY A wfiBfiftPf CURES RICHT QmH^^L^ CORNS, F4HB:1lfe^ bunions, j ^.'

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Bottles— 1/9, 2/9, 4/6, and 11/, post free. THOMPSON, Chemist, 17 GORDON STREET, GLASGOW. Agents for Greenock- MacSymon's Stores, Limited. 3007 N e r E s coSend Macniven & Cameron's Pens THE WAYERLEY PEN Turned-up point, rapid ar action.


Turned-up point, flanged to retain the ink, soft and flexible. Turned-up point, suitable for commerc work of a swift character. THE BIG WAYERLEY PEN. Broad turned-up point, flanged to retain the ink; the steel brother of the quill. THE FLYING DUTCHMAN PEN A large Pen, softer than the Waverley, vet with the same action. Writes 300 words with one dip of ink u.mmrni ft ra-vtfDnt ua v Wartey Works, Blair St., EDINBURGH, MACSIVEH & CAMERON, Ltd., & i5 Fa J rr i D gdou Avenue, LONDON, E.C.

1 'They come as a boon and a blessing to men, The Pickwick, the Owl, and the Waverley Pen. Turned-down point; perfect flexibility gives fine and flowing writing. THE COMMERCIAL PEN.

Smooth and rounded point, strong and firm pen. THE HINDOO PEN, No.N?3.1flNDdO PEN, S MAGNIVEN& CAMERON S EDINBURGH J Diagonal point, broad degree, strong, lasting pen. Raven black; superior make. THE BIG ' J ' PEN.